

Discover the built-in functionalities of SENAITE

Samples management

Manage heterogeneous samples from a single place, either if they belong to different clients or require different types of tests. Custom IDs, Priorities, Sample Types, Attachments, Statuses (due, received, etc.) and much more.


Assign and plan the work across the laboratory. Group analyses by type from different samples and clients, add Quality Control tests (blanks, controls and duplicates), map them to instrument runs.


Group samples by projects and/or clients and keep track of them easily. Generate results reports per batch. Allow Clients to create their own batches of multiple samples at once.

Partitions, Aliquots

Generate partitions and aliquots from samples at will and assign different types and containers while you keep the relationship amongst them. Detach partitions from their parents as required.

Profiles and Templates

Create analysis profiles to boost the registration of samples at the same time you simplify the catalog of available services. Use sample templates for auto-partitioning on reception.

Instruments management

Keep track of the instruments calibration certificates, maintenance. Do internal calibrations automatically with instruments results import and take advantage of Quality Control tests to monitor them.

Audit Log

SENAITE records and generates snapshots of your data on any modification, including the user name, IP and datetime when the Electronic Record was changed. All changes in the system can be easily inspected and traced back.

Analysis and Calculations

Create powerful calculations using either custom parameters or results from other tests as input values. Embed your own python scripts with calls to additional libraries (numpy, scipy, ...) for complex calculations.

Security policies

Roles and groups with different permissions for each ER's status: client contact, lab clerk, sampler, preserver, analyst, verifier, publisher, lab manager, regulatory inspector and system administrator.